The Merrimack Community Garden is located at 116 Naticook Road in Wasserman Park and is managed by the Parks & Recreation Department. Residents and Non-residents may begin reserving plot(s) on April 1st for the 2025 Season. Interested participants can reserve as many spaces as they wish (assuming available space) and the fees listed below are for each 10 x 10 foot plot.
2025 Garden Fee Scheduled for a 10 ft x 10 ft square plot.
- Merrimack Residents: $20.00
- Non-Residents: $25.00
2025 Community Garden Schedule
- April 1st - Registration opens for new garden plots.
- Monday, May 12th- Garden Opens for season (weather dependent)
- Monday, October 13th - Water turned off for the season (dependent upon weather)
- Sunday, October 26th - Garden plots must be completely cleaned up and all foreign materials removed.
Community Garden Rules & Regulations:
By tending to a plot at the community garden, people benefit by meeting new people, having fresh flowers and/or vegetables to use, and enjoying Wasserman Park. General rules must be followed when gardening. These include:
- New Garden plots will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis each growing season. Registration begins April 1, 2025
- Garden plots cost $20.00 per 10x10 plot for Merrimack Residents and $25.00 for Non-Residents. Additional plots may be purchased for an additional fee if so desired.
- Gardeners should have something planted in their garden plot by June 19th and keep it planted for the entire growing season.
- Gardener agrees that if they must abandon their garden plot for any reason, they will notify the Merrimack Parks & Recreation Department. No refunds will be issued.
- Gardener agree to keep weeds at a minimum and maintain the areas immediately surrounding their garden plot.
- If the garden plot becomes unkempt, the gardener understands they will be given 10 days notice to clean it up. At that time, the plot will be re-assigned or tilled in.
- Gardener agrees that they will keep trash and litter out of the garden area, as well as from adjacent pathways.
- Gardener agrees they will only pick their own crops unless given permission by another garden plot owner.
- Gardener agrees that there will be no use of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, or any pesticides at the community garden.
- Gardener agrees to be considerate of their fellow gardeners and will not plant crops that might interfere with or shade other garden plots. Gardener also agrees to keep all plants within the limits of their garden plot.
- Inorganic materials (such as plastic containers, wooden stakes, and flags) must be deposited in the appropriate trash receptacles.
- Gardener agrees to help conserve water. Unattended watering is not permitted; hand watering only. Gardener will notify the Parks & Recreation Department of any leaks in the water line and will make sure all faucets are off.
- Gardener agrees to remove all debris, structures, tools, etc. from the garden area prior to fall cleanup.
- Gardener understands that the Town of Merrimack, NH is not responsible for my actions.
- Garden operations must be conducted safely. Fertilizers must be used per manufacturers’ instructions and shall not be stored onsite and will follow Best Management Practices for Agriculture in NH.
- At the end of the year (no later than October 31st), Gardener is responsible for cleaning up their garden plot, which includes removing plastic flowers, fencing, structures, tools, etc. Failure to clean up your garden plot at the end of the season will result in being denied a garden plot for the follow year.
Please keep in mind the following when designing your garden:
- Structures (trellises, hoops, supports) should be kept inside your 10x10 plot and not extend into your neighbor's plot.
- Tall crops should be planted so that neighboring gardens are not shaded.
- Plants that have creeping vines should not grow outside of your plot. Please keep in mind how your garden will mature.