6 Baboosic Lake Rd
Merrimack, NH 03054
178 Baboosic Lake Rd
Merrimack, NH 03054
15 Atherton Rd
Merrimack, NH 03054
Lawrence Road
Merrimack, NH 03054
O'Gara Dr
Merrimack, NH 03054
15 Lyons Rd
Merrimack, NH 03054
44 Amherst Rd
Merrimack, NH 03054
487 Daniel Webster Highway
Merrimack, NH 03054
5 Veterans Park Dr
Merrimack, NH 03054
Home of the Parks & Recreation Dept
116 Naticook Rd, Merrimack, NH, 03054
For questions on any parks please contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 603-882-1046.
Town Teams, Town Leagues, Merrimack Schools, and Town Non-Profit Groups:
Town organizations desiring to use Town fields/facilities on an on-going basis may do so with prior scheduling approval from the Director. The Director or Designee shall develop the schedule. Requests for field use are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, with an attempt to balance the needs of all groups. No fees shall be charged to these groups for the use of Town fields/facilities. Town Teams and Leagues are required to have General Liability insurance naming the Town as an additional insured. An organization must consist of 80% or more of Merrimack Residents in order to qualify and must submit a roster as proof.
Merrimack Residents and Town Based Businesses:
Individuals or businesses based in Merrimack desiring to use Town fields/facilities for a private event may do so at their leisure, providing that another party has not previously scheduled the fields at that time. There is no charge for the casual use of fields. A Field/Facility Use Permit is not required for casual use.
Individuals or businesses who wish to obtain a permit to guarantee use of a field at a specific date, time and location, may complete the reservation form and a fee will be assessed as follows in order to receive a field permit:
Fee Type:
Up to 4 Hours of Use: $50.00
Up to 8 Hours of Use: $75.00
Up to 12 Hours of Use: $100.00
*A $25.00 per hour surcharge for use of Athletic Field Lights. Use of lights must be selected at time of reservation.
When hosting an event; a Certificate of Insurance is required naming the Town of Merrimack as additionally insured is required. The policy must cover $1,000,000 General Liability each occurrence and $2,000,000 in aggregate for personal and bodily injury including death.
Non-Resident Groups:
Non-Residents desiring to use Town fields may do so with prior scheduling approval from the Director. The Director or Designee shall develop the schedule. Requests for field use are considered on an individual basis and only after all Town groups have been scheduled.
Fee Type:
Up to 4 Hours of Use: $75.00
Up to 8 Hours of Use: $100.00
Up to 12 Hours of Use: $150.00
*A $25.00 per hour surcharge for use of Athletic Field Lights. Use of lights must be selected at time of reservation.
A Certificate of Insurance is required naming the Town of Merrimack as additionally insured is required. The policy must cover $1,000,000 General Liability each occurrence and $2,000,000 in aggregate for personal and bodily injury including death.
Completed applications can be:
Faxed to: 603-883-5335
Emailed to: mcasparius@merrimacknh.gov
Mailed to:
Merrimack Parks & Recreation
116 Naticook Road
Merrimack, NH 03054
The Town of Merrimack is committed to providing high quality and safe playing surfaces for all of its multi-use fields, but we need the help and consideration of all user groups in protecting the turf from excessive damage due to practice and game activities. Unless prior arrangements are made with the Director of Parks & Recreation; practices, scrimmages, and games shall be automatically postponed or cancelled if any of the following conditions occur (whether this website has been updated or not):
The Town is not liable for any costs incurred by the team(s) due to cancellations at any time.
For question regarding the availability of athletic fields, please call the Parks & Recreation Department at 603-882-1046 or Email Director Matt Casparius.