Located at 116 Naticook Road, our Town's beautiful Park has something for everyone. Wasserman Park is the home of the Parks & Recreation Department and offers extensive public recreational opportunities including picnicking, swimming, fishing, tennis, pickleball, volleyball, basketball, ball fields, the Dog Park, and the Norma French Memorial Playground on 46.39 acres of land.
Walking access to Horse Hill Nature Preserve can be gained via the Quarry Trail, which leads from the north parking lot through the Wasserman Conservation Area.
116 Naticook Rd
Merrimack, NH, 03054
Park Hours: All parks in town open half hour before sunrise and close half hour after sunset.
No use is allowed outside of these hours unless a special permit is granted by the Parks & Recreation Department.
The Wasserman Park Town Beach shall be for the exclusive use of Merrimack residents and their authorized guests. Nonresident visitors are permitted to use the area only when they are accompanied by a Merrimack resident.
The Parks & Recreation Department would like to remind everyone that the Town Beach at Wasserman Park is for Merrimack Residents and their accompanied guests only. Merrimack residents must have a 2024 Town of Merrimack Transfer Station Sticker or a Wasserman Park Parking Placard in order to park in the waterfront parking lot.
Transfer station stickers are available from the Public Works Office at Town Hall and at the Transfer Station during their normal hours of operation. Wasserman Park Parking Placards are available at Town Hall, at the Parks & Recreation Office during normal office hours and starting on Saturday, June 8th; there will be weekend Park Attendants at the Beach Parking Lot on Saturdays & Sundays from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. Cars illegally parked are subject to ticketing.
If you are planning on visiting the Wasserman Park Beach and the waterfront parking lot is full; you will need to park your vehicle in the parking lot at the top of the hill near the Parks & Recreation Office or near the Dog Park. When you walk down to the Beach; the Park Attendant will be asking you for proof of Merrimack residency. Please bring a valid ID or other proof of residency to the beach with you otherwise the Park Attendant will turn you away.
Beach Hours: For Summer 2024; Lifeguards will only be available Mondays - Fridays from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm from June 24th - August 23rd only as Camp Naticook is in session.
On weekdays when Camp is in session; residents are asked to use to open swim area to the left of the docks as we reserve the area inside the docks for Summer Camp operations. This rule is in place for the safety of our campers. After 4:00 pm swimming is at your own risk. Wasserman Park closes daily at dusk.
Beach Rules:
Visitors must follow all lifeguard instructions. Failure to do so may result in being asked to leave the beach.
Water Quality Testing:
Water quality samples are taken on a weekly basis from Mid June and continuing thru August of each year to ensure it is safe for swimming. We test for E.Coli Total Coliform Count (Any number under 88 = safe to swim for all).
The results of the weekly water quality test results for August 21 2024 is as follows:
Wasserman Park Beach was 28.8 at the dock and 14.6 at the beach.
This is the last test for summer 2024. Testing will resume in June 2025.
For questions, please contact the Merrimack Parks & Recreation Department at 603-882-1046.