General Registration Information:
All programs are offered on a “first come – first serve” basis online thru our website, by mailing in a registration form or in person at the Parks & Recreation office. Classes not reaching the minimum enrollment 1 week before the starting day will be cancelled and a refund will be sent. (Some programs have deadlines more than 1 week in advance). Class sizes are limited so please register early. Waiting lists will be taken as classes reach their maximum enrollment.No makeup classes, credits, or refunds for holidays, inclement weather or missed classes.Programs are open to all residents regardless of race, gender or physical abilities. Checks should be made payable to: Town of Merrimack =. Registrations should be mailed to: Merrimack Parks & Recreation, 116 Naticook Rd, Merrimack, NH 03054.
General Program Withdrawals, Refunds, Cancellations, and Transfers
Summer Camp Payments, Refunds, Cancellations & Transfer
Photo & Video Policy: The Merrimack Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to photograph facility, activity and program participants at any and all department sponsored events for potential future use. All photos will remain the property of the Merrimack Parks & Recreation Department and may be used in future program guides, brochures, pamphlets, or news releases for promotional purposes or in recognition of department sponsored events. If you do not wish to have your picture taken, please notify a member of the staff.
Scholarship Assistance: The Town of Merrimack has a limited amount of privately donated scholarship funds available for Merrimack families facing financial hardship. Scholarships could help fund up to one week of camp and are awarded based on financial need. Applications and information are available by calling the Town of Merrimack Welfare Department at 423-8535 or by email at welfare@merrimacknh.gov
Inclement weather:
In the event of inclement weather; a timely decision will be made as to whether the program or event will be held as scheduled. That information will be posted on the Parks & Recreation Department Website, Facebook Page and during the winter months on WMUR's weather cancellations page. In some instances, we may also send out an email blast if it relates to a Town wide event.
Feedback: How are we doing? If you have any comments,concerns or suggestions that might be helpful to us, please let us know! Call the Parks & Recreation office at 882-1046 or email us at mcasparius@merrimacknh.gov