The O'Gara Drive Recreation Area is located on O'Gara Drive near the intersection with Baboosic Lake Road. It is directly across the street from the James Mastricola Upper Elementary School. This recreation area features basketball courts, and the Skateboard Park.
The Merrimack Parks and Recreation Department oversees the operation of the Merrimack Skate Park on O’Gara Drive. This use-at-your-own-risk facility opens in April and remains open thru October; weather permitting. Bicycles, roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, scooters and other non-motorized vehicles are allowed at the O’Gara Drive Skate Park. For safety reasons, the skate park will be closed if it’s raining.
There is no attendant on duty and the Town of Merrimack is not responsible for lost or stolen items or any injury or accident incurred during the use of the Skate Park. (NH RSA 507-B:11). The Skate Park will be open daily from Dawn to Dusk and will be monitored by the Merrimack Police Department. In case of injury, emergency or to report unlawful acts, CALL 911 or (603)424-3774.
Merrimack Skate Park Rules:
1. Use of safety equipment such as helmets, knee pads & elbow pads, wrist supports and proper shoes is strongly recommended. All users are responsible for providing their own skateboards and safety equipment, and for ensuring that they are maintained and in good working order. Users must wear shoes at all times.
2. The park is CLOSED between dusk & dawn and/or at the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Department. Trespassing when park is closed is prohibited.
3. In the event of rain, the park is automatically closed until the surface has dried.
4. No makeshift items or modification to existing equipment is allowed. This includes home built and other unauthorized equipment.
5. Please dispose of all trash that you generate into available trash containers. A clean park is a safe park. Do not litter.
6. Be considerate of fellow skaters, especially those who are younger or less skilled. No foul or abusive language is allowed.
7. Do not proceed down ramps until it is clear. Serious injury may result from being hit by a skateboard, falling or colliding.
8. Keep all food & beverages in the picnic area and away from the skating surfaces. No glass containers allowed inside the skate park.
9. This is a drug, alcohol and tobacco free facility. This rule is for the health & safety of all park visitors.
10. Skate park is monitored by the Merrimack Police Department.
O'Gara Drive
Merrimack, NH 03054
Park Hours: All parks in town open half hour before sunrise and close half hour after sunset.
No use is allowed outside of these hours unless a special permit is granted by the Parks & Recreation Department.