Opening in 2016, the Dog Park at Wasserman Park is located within Wasserman Park at 116 Naticook Road, Merrimack, NH 03054. The Park is open to both Residents & Non-Residents and is free of charge to use. When you pull into Wasserman Park, you will take the first road on the right and then go straight across to the Parking Lot. The Dog Park is located at the back of this parking lot.
The Dog Park is 3/4 of an acre in size and is divided into two sections (one for large dogs and one for small dogs). The large dog area measures 91 x 208 and the small dog area is 50 x 208.
Important Notes for Park Users:
Park Rules & Regulations:
All sections of Chapter 119 & 142 of the Town Code also apply to this facility.
1. Users of this facility do so at their own risk. The Town will not be held liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog on Town property.
2. All dogs must be leashed when exiting and entering the off-leash area.
3. Handlers must watch their dogs at all times; no unattended dogs allowed.
4. Please be considerate of others; keep gates closed at all times.
5. No more than two (2) dogs per handler. Handlers must remain in same fenced area with their dogs.
6. Children under the age of 8 are not allowed in the off-leash area. Children 9-15 must be supervised by an adult. Handlers must be at least 16 years old.
7. All dogs must wear current license and vaccination tags; sick dogs are not allowed in the park.
8. Handlers must “Scoop the Poop” and properly dispose of it in designated trash areas.
9. No female dogs in season (heat) permitted.
10. Apparatus in the park is for dog use only-patrons should refrain from climbing on them.
11. Spike or choke collars must be removed upon entering the Dog Park.
12. Dogs weighing more than 30 lbs. are not allowed in the “Small Dog” area.
13. Dogs under six months of age are prohibited.
14. Aggressive dogs are not allowed in the park.
Click on the link below to contact the Friends of the Merrimack Dog Park for information about Doggy play dates and other activities of the group.
Bailey's Towing & Auto Body
Paul and Carolyn Belfiore
Christopher Brown
Chris Christensen
Ronald W Douville, OD,
Figueroa Family
Fimbel Paunet Corp.,
Horse 'n Hound PT
Christine Lavoie
LTD Company
Mercy Animal Hospital
Merrimack Fire Department
Merrimack Friends & Families Merrimack Rotary Club
Merrimack Tax Associates
Merrimack Veterinary Hospital
Loving Memory of Max Poole
The Pfeifer Family
Nicole Schorer
Pets Choice
Professional Pet Sitting Etc.
Provencher Engineering LLC
Sea-Jay Photography
Triangle Credit Union
Deb Vaughn
99 Restaurant's
Alexander and Mitzi Frueauf
Alexander Porada
Alida Dodd
Andrew Lavoie
Annette Lasonsby
Ashley Hicks
Ashlie Gooden
Barbara Foristall
Barbara Wolf
Bess Parks
Beth Burns
Bill Lester
Brad McNiff
Brandy Albano
Brent Bevier
Carmine Deblasi
Carol Beland
Carol DiPirro
Carol Murphy
Cathy Lemery
Cathy Rogers-Holmes
Charles Barker
Chase Barnes
Cheryl O'Halloran
Chipotle Restaurant
Chris Christensen
Christine M. Andrews
Christine Lavoie
Christine Watkins
Christopher Brown
Cindi Colletti
Claire Lester
Colleen M. Raymond
Creations by Sea Jay Photography
Dani J. Powell
Danielle Ponsant
David Batchelder
David Peyton
Deanna Lavoie
Deb Mathis
Deb Vaughn
Debra Huffman
Dennis Farrell
Donald Eckert
Doreen Rolls
Elaine and Harvey Bloom
Emily Golden
Fred Huber
Gail DiGangi
Gail Wiegand
Gardner Family
Georgia Crawford
George M
Gina Rosati
Gray Family
Helyne Graveline Wenz
Ian J. Simon Irene J. Donnelly
Jacquie Staffiere
James Mastricola Upper Elementary School
Jane F. Bush
Janet Diehl
Janice F. Gilmer
Jean Crawford
Jennifer Burl
Jennifer Kosko
Jennifer Pickering
Jillian Caron
Joe Cucchi
Joe Hatfield
John Enman
Jon Laselle
Julie Kabel
Justin and Jamie Godin
Karen LaBonte
Karen Lang
Katherine Dunn
Katherine Harshman
Keith Duroche
Kristi Margaritis Bradshaw
Laura Allred
Laura K. Jaynes
Lisa Hafley
Lisa Leary
Lisa Shortle
Lobster Boat Restaurant
Lori Painter Lorna Gonzalez
Lorriane S. Provencher
Lorry Griffin
Louis F. Rothenberg
Marie and James Wall
Mark and Cynthia Taylor
Matthew McCabe
Maura Daddona
Maureen Hall
Meredith Anderson
Merrimack Dental Associates
Merrimack Fire Department
Merrimack Flower Shop
Mike Fonarolo
Morales Family
Nancy Bucciarelli
Nancy Epstein
Nancy J. Pease
Nashua Rotary West
Nicole Shorer
Patricia Robinson
Patricia & Stephen Mack
Paul & Carolyn Belfiore
Paul Norwalt
Paul R Huot Jr.
Pauline Renaud
Paulo A.Pereira
Pfeifer Family
Priscilla Y. Davis
Prudence Carlson
Rachel Shields
Raymond Baldwin
Reeds Ferry Lumber
Reeds Ferry Women's Club
Richard D. Groves
Richard Debelis
Richard Diehl
Robert Freed
Robert L'Heureux
Roger and Paula Blais
Roxanne Darrell
Ruth Coppola
Sal's Pizza
Sandra Hurd
Sandra Travis
Sharon Hickey
Sheila Freeman
Shu Nakamoto
Stephanie Wilkinson
Stephen Singer
Stephen W. August
Susanne Folsom
Suzanne D
Tammy Beers
Theodore E. Trask, Jr.
Vanessa Biron
Watkins Family
Wayne and Cynthia Kibbe
William Desgrosseilliers
Memory Of: Aimee our Standard Poodle Princess
In Memory Of: David Yakuboff Sr.
In Memory Of: Grace
In Memory Of: Holly
In Memory Of: John Diggins, Jr.
In Memory Of: Lily
In Memory Of: Max Poole
In Memory Of: Pearl
We would like to thank Eagle Scout Daniel Figueroa from Troop 424 for building the Dog Park Sponsorship Sign. We would also like to thank Girl Scout Troop 14002 for building the equipment storage shed at the Dog Park.
Even though construction of the Dog park is complete, we will continue to raise funds to further develop and maintain the Park. If you wish to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation, individual contributions can be done by mailing a check to:
Town of Merrimack, NH
Finance Dept./Dog Park Fund
6 Baboosic Lake Road
Merrimack, NH 03054